As a nonprofit organization, Forestdale profoundly values the trust that has been placed in us. Partners trust us to carry out joint projects; governments and private entities trust our ability to safeguard children and families; and donors trust us to use their funds to innovate with evidence-based approaches that can positively transform child welfare as we know it. To safeguard this critical trust, Forestdale is committed to best practices in governance, accountability, and transparency. Our talented leadership team helps to direct and implement Forestdale’s strategies and advances our mission to end the intergenerational transmission of poverty and trauma among low-income families in Queens and Brooklyn.

Meet Our Executive Team

  • Photo of William Weisberg

    William Weisberg, Executive Director

    Bill Weisberg, PhD, has worked in youth services and international conflict resolution since 1981. He leads Forestdale’s efforts to support families in distress and help children thrive through evidence-based treatments and prevention programs. Previously, at The Children’s Aid Society, he served as Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer. Dr. Weisberg holds degrees in Social Psychology from SUNY Binghamton (BA) and Harvard University (MA, PhD).

  • photo of Robert Aguirre

    Robert Aguirre, Chief Financial Officer

    Robert Aguirre joined Forestdale in 2016 as Chief Financial Officer. Robert ensures that Forestdale maintains its track record of financial strength and fiscal responsibility. Before joining Forestdale, he spent 14 years at The Children’s Aid Society overseeing budget and operations. Robert graduated from Baruch College (BBA in Business Administration and MPA in Public Administration), where he was a National Urban Fellow.

  • photo of Maria Astudillo

    Maria Astudillo, LCSWD- Asst. Executive Director for Health

    Maria Astudillo leads Forestdale's health division, which offers high-quality integrated healthcare for young people in the Foster Care (FC) Program. In addition, Maria helps develop programs that address health service gaps for young people in under-resourced communities. Maria has decades of experience in child and family services, including being the VP of Behavioral Health at Partnership for Children.

  • photo of Linda Ford

    Linda Ford, LMSW–Assistant ED of Foster Care

    Linda Ford heads Forestdale’s Strong Families – Foster Care, therapeutic foster care, and adoption programs. Before coming to Forestdale, she was a Program Director at Steinway Child and Family Services, working with adults with severe mental illnesses. The Bronx native has also worked as a substance abuse counselor, a hospital-based social worker, and a case planner for pregnant mothers in foster care.

  • Photo of Lorraine Gonzalez-Camastra

    Lorraine Gonzalez-Camastra, LCSW-R– Asst. ED of Policy and Practice

    Lorraine Gonzalez-Camastra is a social service professional with over 20 years of experience in non-profit management and programming, public policy, and behavioral health. At Forestdale, Lorraine oversees a portfolio of departments engaged in evidence-based practice and leads the organization's advocacy strategy. Lorraine has previously been a Delegate Assembly Member for the National Association of Social Workers and a Board Member of the Coalition for School-based Health Centers in New York State.

  • Image of Krista Larson

    Krista Larson, MSW–Assistant ED of Preventive Services

    Krista Larson joined Forestdale as the Assistant Executive Director for Preventive Services in 2020. She brings over 25 years of experience as a social worker, serving young people and families through direct practice, program development and management, and policy advocacy. Before, she was the Director of the Center on Youth Justice at the Vera Institute of Justice, a national criminal justice reform organization based in NYC.

  • Photo of Rachel Tzimorotas

    Rachel Tzimorotas, Esq.–General Counsel and Assistant ED of Operations

    Rachel Tzimorotas, Esq. is the General Counsel and Assistant Executive Director of Operations. She oversees several Forestdale operational units, including Development, HR, IT, and Facilities. All capital/renovation projects for all four Forestdale locations also fall under her management. She joined Forestdale in 2011 after working as a Family Court Legal Services attorney with the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS). Ms. Tzimorotas graduated from St. John’s University School of Law, worked as an Assistant D.A. in Kings County, and practiced medical malpractice litigation.